I love leaving with a stack of books
and then feeling extremely accomplished when I have read them all!
Here are some of my library books...

Left Neglected by Lisa Genova was a very informative and interesting read.
It is about an extremely busy working mom of 3
who juggles way too much. Sarah has a important and time consuming job,
3 busy kids, one of which was recently diagnosed with ADHD,
a husband whose hanging onto his job by a thread,
and a difficult relationship with her mom.
One morning while driving to work Sarah reaches for her phone
and swerves off the road.
Luckily no one else was hurt but Sarah ends up with a traumatic brain injury.
In a blink of an eye, Sarah goes from over scheduled and overworked
to held up in a hospital trying to figure out this new world with no Left.
Sarah only sees and acknowledges things on her right side.
It was really interesting learning about this injury and the rehab
that goes with it. Sarah literally has to figure out how to navigate this new world
with everything she does.

The MockingBirds by Daisy Whitney was also very interesting.
This book is more aimed for young adults and is a extremely fast read.
Themis Academy is a prestigious boarding school
with a great reputation.
Well, on the outside it has a great reputation.
The administration, however, tends to turn a blind eye on anything that can disagree with that.
So when Alex is date rapped, she can either stay silent
enlist in the super secret Mockingbirds.
A group set up to set rules and make sure the students abide by them.
I would definitely recommend this good and easy read!

The last book is The Last Time I Saw You by Elizabeth Berg.
To be honest, I did not care for this book.
I didn't read carefully the description of this book
and only knew that it was about a high school reunion.
I did not realize that it was about a 40 year high school reunion.
It actually wasn't a bad read
except for the fact that I couldn't really relate to any of the characters.
I love to put myself in the books I read
and it didn't really work with this one.
I did find some truths to this book
and I did enjoy the fact that
(the nerds, the popular crowd, the wannabe's, etc.)
changes after high school.
Have any book suggestions for me?
Please let me know!