My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Oh man, I have been cruising through these books like crazy but now I have to wait to May for the next one, and then probably a whole year until the final book. I really enjoyed this book (I know, surprise, surprise) but I think Cassandra Clare could have called it quits after the last one. It ended in a pretty good place and I felt pretty satisfied with everything. Now we have to deal again with the drama of Jace and Clary. Will they ever be able to just be a normal couple? Probably not because that would lead to a boring book. Anyways, this book is yet again jam backed with action and drama and all kinds of emotions. Cassandra Clare's world does not disappoint and I am super excited to read the City of Lost Souls come May!
Happy Reading!
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Just finished Clockwork Prince. Soooo good!