Saturday, July 7, 2012

Still Missing

 Still Missing by Chevy Stevens

My Rating - 3 out of 5 stars

What a disturbing book! Overall it was a good read, but definitely a little dark and depressing. We follow Annie, a thirty something realtor who experiences most women's worst nightmare. We meet Annie as she is consulting with her therapist and recounting the last years horrific experience. Annie is kidnapped at the end of her open house. She is then held captive for over a year in a cabin somewhere in the mountains. She refers to the man who kidnapped her as "the freak", which I think is very appropriate. The things that Annie experienced while in this cabin with "the freak" are horrible.

I have to say that I did have a few issues with the book. To begin with I had a hard time understanding and liking Annie at first. You don't really understand what happened to her until you get into the book a little bit but she is just so bitter and angry right off the bat. I know, who wouldn't be, but it just took me awhile to understand her. My other issue is how she got away from "the freak". I won't go into detail but it is just odd to me because he was always so careful with everything. And lastly, the ending was pretty much awful. So not realistic at all. Other than that I did enjoy this book and was so anxious to find out what happened to Annie and how she was dealing with everything.

Happy Reading!

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